To what extent do you agree with the following statement? The City of DeSoto offers enough youth programs.
Where in the City of DeSoto do you spend most of your free time?
How do you learn of activities happening in the City of DeSoto? Check all that apply.
How do you usually get around the City of DeSoto?
Check all the school youth programs you have participated in
The City of DeSoto is considering implementing some youth programs. How interested are you in these programs?
When would be a good time for you to participate in the programs in the question above?
Where do you go for youth programs? Check all that apply.
Would you be more likely to participate in a youth program offered by
Which of the following arts and cultural programs are you most interested in? Check all that apply.
To what extent do you agree with the following statement? I feel safe in the City of Desoto.
If you need spiritual guidance, help with homework, college readiness guidance, personal needs, and other needs, to what extent do you agree with the following statement? When I need assistance, I know where to go for help.
My top stressors are: (Check all that apply).
Which of the following is the biggest problem facing the youth in the City of DeSoto?
Which of the following does the City of DeSoto do well in helping youth succeed?
Which of the following should the City of DeSoto do to help you become a successful adult?
As a token of our appreciation for completing the survey, we will enter you on a raffle for 1 of 6 gift cards worth $50 dollars each. How should we contact you if you win 1 of the gift cards? Type your email address or phone number in the space below.